Social Clubs, Groups & Societies
These names are prefixed with ‘Addingham’
Active Retired Group
Memorial Hail, Weekly – Monday afternoon, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.(term time)
Objective: to promote fellowship and activity for retired people.
Allotments & Gardens Association
Contact: Hon. Sec. 01943 839284
Email: Stewart Taylor
Talks on last Thursday of the month (September to April), at Mount Hermon Church Hall
Objective: to promote the interests of gardeners and allotment holders.
To hire an allotment please contact Parish Council Parish Clerk or Simon Tennant 07811151694
Art Classes – Wharfedale Artists
Tutored classes with local artist, Susan Ross: General “art for all classes” (all abilities including beginners)
Wed and Thur 1.30-3.30pm during term time at the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Street.
Life Drawing on third Thursday in the month Oct to July, 7-9pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Street.
Ring Susan Ross: 01943 831093/07962 187533,
Art Course – Geraldine Thompson
Drawing and Painting for beginners and those with more experience who want to develop their own artist’s identity using a range of materials and techniques including acrylics and mixed media.
Where: Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Street, Addingham LS29 0JE
When: Tuesdays 1.00-3.00pm
Tutor: Geraldine Thompson MA, LFA, Cert Ed.
For more information contact Geraldine:
Tel: 07719 747523
Beer Festival
Organise the annual Addingham Beer Festival in October, in aid of local charities.
Bridleways Group
Contact: 01756 710387
Churches Together
Contact: See Churches
Ceilidh Club & Pilates
Contact: Liz 01943 609393 or Jennie 01535 664634, email
Club nights: 3rd Sunday of the month (no meeting in August) @ 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Addingham Memorial Hall (£5.00).
Everyone is welcome and you don’t need to bring a partner, there’s always someone to dance with!
Dances from Yorkshire, England, Scotland, Ireland, Europe and beyond to live music
Resident callers Jennie Ellison, Jenny Scott, Liz Bowen
Resident band Beneath the Clock Dave Dobson, Cath Stevens, Geoff Bowen, Maurice Healy
Civic SocietyContact: Gill Battarbee
Tel: 01943 839792
Website –
Climate Action Addingham
Contact: Rick Battarbee
Tel.01943 839792
Drama Group
Contact – 07960 970087, email:
Play readings are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month in The Swan, Main St at 7.30pm
Productions: Spring and Autumn
Environment GroupContact: Gill Battarbee
Tel.01943 839792
Fellowship and Luncheon Club
Tel. 01943839855
Film Club
Gala Committee
Richard Hunter Rowe
Tel 07876 478380, email:
Garden Friends
Contact – 01943 839855
Website –
Looking after Addingham’s public gardens
Good Neighbours Club
Details – Sitting Pilates and Coffee ‘n Cake each Wednesday in the Memorial Hall at 10.30
and The Workshed
Contact – Diana Keeble 01943 839425
Email –
Historic Chapels Trust
Contact 01943 830032 or 01943 609839
Maintain and open the Farfield Friends Meeting House, beside Bolton Road (B6160) just north of Farfield Hall
Heritage Group
Contact: Ian Cameron
The Hub
The new village meeting place in the Old School above the Community Library. Open Monday to Thursday mornings, 9.00 – 12 noon, and Friday afternoons 1.45 – 4.45. Pop in for a chat, hot drink, newspapers, free wifi and use of laptop computers etc. The Hub is also available, free, for small meetings (up to 25 people) afternoons and evenings.
Bookings: Wendy Green, Tel.01943 831758 (when Hub is open), or book online by clicking here.
Iyengar Yoga
Ann Berry Tel. 07754 370286
Lower Wharfedale Ramblers
The Ramblers are the UK’s largest walking charity with over 500 local groups. Lower Wharfedale Ramblers (LWR) is the group that covers Addingham.
LWR offers 5 walks virtually every week:-
A+ 14+ Strenuous Tues
A 12 Strenuous Tues
B 8-10 Leisurely Thurs
C 7 Leisurely Tues
D 4-5 Easy Every Tues
We have many members in the village and consequently a number of our walks, each season, start and finish in the locality (normally the Swan). Lift sharing is also popular and most walks take place in the Wharfe Valley area.
Potential members can walk up to 3 times, without charge, to decide what suits them best.
Full details of all walks and how to become a member can be found at
Metal Detecting Club
Contact: 01756 749480
Addingham Old School, meets first Tuesday of the month, 8.00 pm to 10.30
Methodists’ Craft Group
Contact: Tel: 01943 830309
Methodist Church Hall, Fortnightly Wednesdays
Methodist Discussion & Fellowship Group
Contact: Tel: 01943 830309
Methodist Church Hall, Tuesday & Thursday, Fortnightly.
Memorial Hall Social Committee
Meets every six weeks in homes of members, to arrange rotas to promote social occasions and to raise money for the upkeep of the Memorial Hall.
National Childbirth Trusts (Wharfedale Group)
Contact: 01943 830279 or 830027
Meets St Peter’s Church Hall, Thursdays, 2.00 – 4.00pm
NHS Walking Group
Brenda Jones 01274 259190
Pantomime Group
Tickets – Tel: 01943 831007, email:
Contact: 01943 830640, email:
Addingham Memorial Hall, now meets once a month on the first Thursday of the month.
A social gathering of retired gentlemen, talks and presentations on a range of subjects.
The Probus club had its first meeting on 14 February 1980 where G W (Bill) Hall was elected as the first chairman. The club has held twice monthly meetings since 1980 except when they clash with elections and during the Covid pandemic. It was decided that the club should be open to retired and semi-retired professional and businessmen living in the Addingham area but that definition is not intended to be restrictive and is interpreted in the widest sense.
Bek Olive
Skipton Brass
We are currently looking for experienced brass players, and anyone who would like to learn to play a brass instrument. We offer our services free of charge and we have a limited number of instruments which people may use. Either contact the band by telephone on 07074 754786 or by email:
Skipton & Wharfedale Decorative & Fine Arts Society
Contact: Tel: 01943 609302
Walk & Talk Group
Fancy a 4/5 mile walk on the second Tuesday of the month? Then join us in the Walk and Talk Group for the opportunity to meet people and get exercise and fresh air in the beautiful Dales area. Our walks are in the region of 4 to 5 miles and include a lunch stop, either part way round or at the end. In the Summer we take a picnic, whilst in the Winter we go to a pub or cafe. To take part all you need to do is turn up at the Methodist Church Hall car park by 10.00 am on the second Tuesday of the month with appropriate clothing and footwear. There is no charge to participate. Most of the walks involve sharing a car to travel a short distance to the start point.
The group has been established for over 10 years and further information is available from Mike on: 01943 831700. Newcomers are especially welcome!!
Wednesday Club
The Addingham Wednesday Group is a very informal gathering in the Methodist Hall. Our 2024/2025 programme resumes on 2 October 2024 with a variety of interesting guests.
Please feel free to come along and join us as a new member or, if you prefer, just turn up for a 7:30 start as a guest for £4.
You will be assured of a very warm welcome as well as tea and biscuits!
To view our programme of events please click here.
We meet in the Methodist Church Hall in Chapel Street on the first and third Wednesday of the month starting at 7:30pm.
For further information, please contact Margaret on 01943 830935 or Annie on 07885 159259
Women’s Institute
Addingham WI is part of the National Federation of Women’s Institutes which is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK and is run for its members by its members.
Addingham WI meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm at Mount Hermon Chapel, Main Street, Addingham. Visitors are always very welcome.
WI Craft and chat afternoons are held every Monday at 2.00pm at The Hub, Main Street, Addingham except the first Monday of each month when the WI Book Club meets.
WI Book Club meets on the first Monday of each month at 3.00pm at the Hub, Main Street, Addingham.
For more details please contact: President, Joy Hammerton on 07912 980070 or Secretary, Lorinda Robinson on 07711 567558