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1924 - 1939

Mr. Hewerdine’s successor, the writer of this essay was a north countryman, born in Blaydon (of the "Races") who had taught in the Hothfield Street school in Silsden for 12 years.

During this period, since administrative changes were few, the trends of life in the school, with some amplification from time to time, will be indicated in the continuation of the calendar.

1924 The first of a long continuing series of Christmas parties was sponsored by the newly formed Old Scholars’ Association whose assistance in these and many other matters was invaluable

1925 Physical Training Officers from County Hall investigated the possibility of using a stretch of the river Wharfe for swimming lessons, but it was found to be impracticable.

1926 Mrs. Milford, Headmistress of the Infants’ School, retired, and the two departments, separated in 1888 were again united.

The first Dental Clinic began work. Mr. Long, the Dental Officer pioneered an excellent service, and over many years became quite a ‘father’ figure to most of his regular, (and quite willing) patients.

In May Miss Edith Cockroft was appointed as Infants’ teacher, beginning a service ofquality, integrity and devotion which only terminated with her retirement in 1964 after more than 38 years.

1927 The average number on the roll at the end of the school year was 184. In June a small party of scholars went to Settle with Mr. Hoffman Wood and the Headmaster to witness the total eclipse of the sun.

1928 The school Sports Day which had begun in 1925 was this year enlarged by the inclusion of the National School and Barden and Beamsley Schools. A challenge shield was available for inter-school competition.

A report by Mr. T.J.M. More, H.M. Inspector, on the school, noted some of its deficiencies:-

Only 3 of its 5 classrooms were of suitable size:

  • No provision for practical instruction :
  • Cramped playgrounds and no playing field:
  • No facilities for teaching science:
  • No staff room
  • (These deficiencies were still unremedied for another 39 years i.e. till the new school opened in 1967)

1931 A serious epidemic of diphtheria resulting in the death of four small girls

1933 In July a week’s camping holiday was organised on Holy Island (Northumberland). Six boys participated.

1935 In February, serious flooding of the Wharfe washed away the Suspension Bridge, and children from the north side enjoyed a five mile taxi ride to enable them to get to school.

1938 With reorganisation in the air it was evident that changes were pending. Again the question of school accommodation in Addingham was being considered at County level. National School premises were unsatisfactory, and the Managers were not able to carry out the improvements required by the Authority. The premises of the Council School were not considered equal to modern requirements. The suggested solution, therefore was that in view of the proposals to transfer the senior children to the modern school to be built at Ben Rhydding a new primary school should be planned. large enough for all the infants and juniors in the village. A joint conference was convened by the County and was attended by their own representatives, those of the District Sub-Committee, and the Managersof the National School. As a result of their deliberations it was recommended that the Trustees of the High Council School be asked if they were willing to sell their building to the Authroity which would then make it the core of a greatly enlarged school. Failing their compliance, it was suggested that the costs of an entirely new school should be estimated.

The Trustees declined to sell.

Again therefore, the Authority went ahead with their scheme for the new village school, and, when this was completed, the closure of the existing two schools. Statutory notices of intention to build were posted throughout the area: the chief County architect visited school with his roll of 25″ O.S. maps, in order to inspect certain possible sites, and it seemed at last that one fully equipped up-to-date school would provide all that was materially necessary for the education of the children of Addingham up to the age of eleven.

Again fulfillment was denied. War, which had threatened for most of the year, broke out, and all schemes such as this went into storage. In 1974, the school of 1874 is still in use, though its end as the County Primary School is, at the time of writing, very near.

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