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Community Services

Medical Centre,
151a Main Street (behind Memorial Hall)
Tel.01943 830367
Website: Addingham Medical Centre

Up and coming things at the surgery:

  • The Addingham Patient Participation Group is conducting a survey for the Medical Centre. If you would like to take part just click here.

  • There is also the availability to see a First Contact Physiotherapy at Addingham and Ilkley. This first point of contact is via reception at Addingham.

  • There is now available a Directory of Health & Fitness for Addingham with copies in the Health Centre and other places, or click here for a digital copy.


This is the newest, quickest, and easiest way to get through to the practice for NON-URGENT enquiries, via our website.

Click on the link for PATCHS on the surgery website front page and fill in the form.

Using PATCHS means you don’t have to wait on the phone or explain your problem to our Reception Team.

PATCHS requests are monitored every weekday.

Please note:
• PATCHS has replaced e-consult
• You have to register with PATCHS but only the first time you use it

General Update

  • The Covid and Flu Vaccination Programme has started at Addingham Medical Practice. If you receive a text to say you are eligible please book online as instructed in the text. If you are unable to attend please let the surgery know, as every year vaccine goes to waste.

WACA (Wharfedale, Airedale and Craven Alliance) News

  • For WACA Latest News click here
  • For WACA Home page click here
  • We are continuing to run a monthly drop-in social prescribing clinic at Highfield Community Centre, Keighley - the September - November dates are on the attached poster.
  • The Mental Health Connect Programme for Airedale and Wharfedale (part of the NHS Mental Health Transformation Programme) is starting a WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) in September in Ilkley as well as the drop-in sessions on a Wednesday and Thursday at Christchurch, Ilkley. There are still spaces available on the WRAP course and for more information, please visit

Airedale Hospital News

Airedale Hospital is going to be rebuilt on the existing site with a completion date of 2030. In the next few weeks Addingham medical practice will have leaflets giving more information. If you want to have some input into the new build there is a dedicated email address for your ideas and suggestions:-

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergencies – Tel. 999
Non-emergencies – Tel. 111

Muirhead Dental Health
103, Main Street, Addingham
Tel: 01943 830079

First Responders & Heartstart
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel:07811 2013036
For Heartstart First Aid Courses Tel:01943 830367

Rowlands Pharmacy.
Medical Centre,
151b Main Street,
Tel. 01943 831462

Addingham Bereavement Group

I will be starting a bereavement group on Monday 2nd of October, subsequent groups will run on the first Monday of each month. The group will commence at 7pm and is expected to run for 1.5-2 hours. It will be held in the hub above the village library. Sessions are free to attend, with refreshments provided.

I am a palliative care nurse and grief counsellor. I will be on hand to support attendees by providing emotional support and clinical advice. The group is open to all ages, irrespective of whether your bereavement was historical or more recent.

Contact details for more information.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

07927 769400

Community Library
The Community Library is run by a team of volunteers.
Services include courses for computer beginners (contact the Library for more details).
Opening times:- Tuesday: 9am – midday; Thursday: 2pm – 3.00pm; Saturday: 9.30am - 11.30am
The Old School, Main Street, Addingham
Tel. 01943 436230

Addingham Hub
The Hub is open in the room above the Community Library
Opening Times: Monday to Thursday mornings 9.00 to 12.00 noon and Friday afternoons 1.45 to 4.45pm
The Old School, Main Street, Addingham
Tel. 01943 831758

Local Government
Addingham had a population of 3249 at the 2021 census, has its own Parish Council and is within the area of the Bradford Metropolitan District Council together with Ilkley Town Council.

Neighbourhood Policing Team
Non-emergency telephone – 101 Emergency – 999

See the Addingham Environment Group page at for details of local recycling points.


Addingham Clarke Foley Charitable Trust

It all began in Ireland around 1870, when a shepherd called Martin Clarke, married Bridget Clinton.
At the time of the potato famine Martin and Bridget left Ireland and came to Addingham. They settled in Low Mill and whilst Martin worked as a stone dresser and a farm labourer, their seven children all worked in the mill.
Eventually, all the children emigrated to America and that is where the story really begins.
Their daughter, Sarah married an attorney, Mr Foley, and became Sarah Foley, hence the Clarke Foley Trust, and they bought tenement property in what turned out to be Manhattan.
When the land was redeveloped, not surprisingly, Sarah found herself extremely wealthy.
Sarah died, childless in 1972, and wanted to remember her beginnings in Addingham. Her brother, James Clarke, came to England and went to see the Bishop of Leeds, Bishop Wheeler, and asked him to distribute monies to Addingham and Ilkley.
The initial gift to the village of Addingham amounted to £50,000 of which £5,000 was given to the Memorial Hall to pay off its then overdraft, and the balance was to be invested to help the elderly of Addingham.
Since the establishment of the fund, some small further contributions had been received. However, in 2010, the charity received a significant legacy from the late Phyllis Holmes which has a major impact on the size of the Fund. The fund is currently worth in the region of £750,000.
Only the Income can be distributed, the Capital has to be preserved. The Trustees meet each year to determine the amount that shall be distributed in the form of Vouchers that can be used in the Village shops. The distribution of vouchers takes place on the third Tuesday in November each year.
The charity can also support any individual needs of the older people in the village. If you know of anyone who is suffering hardship please contact the Trust Chairman, Mr Alan Jerome on Addingham 01943 830267. The same can also apply to any clubs & societies that cater for the elderly in the village.


This site is an independent community service for the village of Addingham, run by volunteers, supported by Addingham Civic Society

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