Schools and Nurseries
Primary School
Headteacher Linda Spinks
Bolton Road, Addingham, W Yorks LS29 0NR
Tel: 01943 830298 Fax: 01943 830298
Friends of Addingham Primary School (FAPS) Facebook
Pre-school Playgroup
Contact: 01943 830450(during Playgroup hours)
Primary School, Monday – Friday 9.10 am -11.40am and 12.50 – 3.20pm (except Wednesday afternoon)
L.A. approved playgroup – Nursery vouchers accepted
All pre-school activities catered for.
Nursery Rhymes & Jabberwocky Club
Nursery Rhymes – Children’s day nursery
All Year Round – Open 7.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday
We cater for children from 3 months to 4 years of age.
Jabberwocky Club – Out of School and Holiday Club
Term Time – Open 7.30am-9.00am then 3.30pm-6.30pm Monday to Friday
Holidays- Open 7.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday
We cater for children from reception to primary school year 6
2 Bolton Road
LS29 0NR
Tel 01943 839000
Rainbow Tots
Methodist Church Hall, Mondays, 10.00 – 11.30am
Contacts: 01943 839216
Pre-school playgroup for children under 5, parents and carers.
St Peter’s Church Toddler Group
Thursday Mornings, 9.30 – 11.30am
Contact 01943 831480
A chance for toddlers, babies, parents & carers to meet in the hall for play & company.
On the third Thursday of the month there is also a Toddler’s Service in the church at 11.15am
St Peter’s Church Hall