Cycle Routes

Addingham Cycle Routes

For Addingham cycle routes starting and ending at The Swan pub click on the image above.

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Walk 1: Highfield, Lob Wood & Riverside

Start: The Hen Pen Garden, Main Street, Addingham LS29 0NS, SE 077 498.
Alternative Start: Near Bolton Bridge SE 071 525 (see page 6).
Full walk: 4.5 miles (7.2km), height gain 584ft (190m).
Shorter walk: 4 miles (6.4km), height gain 584ft (190m).
OS Maps: Explorer 297 or Landranger 204


This is a fairly easy walk with lots of interesting features along the way, including fine views across to Beamsley Beacon and up Wharfedale to Bolton Abbey and beyond (photograph below), the dramatic (but almost hidden) Lob Wood railway viaduct, the ancient Farfield Friends’ Meeting House, abundant wildlife and a lovely Dales Way river walk to finish. The route description includes an optional shorter link and an alternative start point near Bolton Bridge. You should carry appropriate outdoor clothing. The ground may be muddy in places so good footwear is essential.

Walk 1 route details here: Walk 1 Web

This site is an independent community service for the village of Addingham, run by volunteers, supported by Addingham Civic Society

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